PR: RebuildNH Celebrates Meaningful Reform in 2021 Session

Additional Victory Achieved In Promised Emergency Powers Changes EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH is celebrating a meaningful victory today as the Legislature passed a strong budget containing meaningful emergency powers reforms as well as a promise from the governor to deliver the rest of our critical constitutional requests using bills retained in House committees. Additionally, two other … Read more

Statement: RebuildNH Position on Budget Compromise

Publicly Announced Agreement Acceptable Regarding Emergency Powers Reforms A last-minute deal negotiated by N.H. House Majority Leader Jason Osborne between RebuildNH-supported representatives and the governor delivered commitments to fix the unconstitutional state of emergency statutes this fall leading into the beginning of the next session in January. ReopenNH believes this deal is an acceptable solution to remedy … Read more

NH Journal OP-Ed: ReopenNH Outlines Issues With Budget Language

I think it’s a bit naive to think that once Pandora’s box has been opened and we’ve seen a governor use unlimited and unchecked power for 15 months that no governor is ever going to come up with a reason to call a State of Emergency in the future, if not the near future. Politicians … Read more

PR: RebuildNH Celebrates End to State of Emergency

Effort to Restore the Republic of New Hampshire and Protect It From A Repeat Event Begins Today EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH is celebrating victory today as the no-longer State of Emergency has officially come to an end, and is acknowledging the efforts of many activists and legislators who fought diligently behind the scenes during the past … Read more

Webinar: Engage School Boards and Unmask Our Children

Event Summary Enough is enough. The statewide mask mandate is over, the science shows that masks don’t work to prevent the spread of viruses, and multiple research reports show that children are not affected statistically by COVID-19. Still, school boards persist in requiring our children to wear face coverings all day in the classroom, restricting … Read more

RebuildNH statement on deceptive comment from Moira O’Neill, director of the N.H. Office of the Child Advocate

NH Journal, an Inside Sources publication, today quoted Moira O’Neill, director of the N.H. Office of the Child Advocate, saying: “Fussing about masks – a proven intervention to stop viral spread – is telling children that political nonsense is more important than children’s well-being, education, and mental health.” Andrew J. Manuse, Chairman of RebuildNH, released … Read more

PR: Governor Deserves No Praise for Mask Mandate Relaxation

Freedoms to Life, Liberty and Property Are Inherent, Not Doled Out By Governor   EAST DERRY, N.H.—ReopenNH welcomes the end of the unnecessary and unlawful statewide mask mandate, but the governor’s vain gesture in allowing Emergency Order 74 to expire today merely pretends to restore rights that Granite Staters never actually lost, but many forfeited … Read more

Op-Ed: House Defends New Hampshire Republic; the Senate Must Follow Suit

Last week, the New Hampshire House showed that it understands the gravity of our time, advancing reforms within their budget to end the current State of Emergency and restore a balance of powers in our state. We owe these men and women a debt of gratitude. The recently-passed House budget incorporates fiscal responsibility, tax cuts, … Read more