ReopenNH Interview with NH Today, the Weekend Edition

Use this link to listen to ReopenNH’s interview with Jeff Chidester on NH Today, the Weekend Edition on Sunday, May 31, 2020: Here’s a backup link, in case the above link doesn’t work:

Op-Ed: We’re On A Frightening Path of Injustice

By Andrew J. Manuse Science and experience has demonstrated that governments worldwide overreacted to the COVID-19 threat and perpetuated misleading information to manipulate the public and consolidate power. Despite these revelations, Gov. Chris Sununu is poised to extend his no longer “State of Emergency” order yet again next week so he may continue acting as … Read more

PR: ReopenNH Decries Security Theater of Mask Wearing

ReopenNH Says ‘No Thank You’ to Restrictions, Urges People To Start Living As Normal EAST DERRY, N.H.—On the eve of the governor’s expected ruling to extend his State of Emergency for another 21 days, 178 Democrats sent a tyrannical letter demanding the governor issue orders requiring all Granite Staters to wear masks in public. “These … Read more

PR: ReopenNH Calls Church Together for Public Worship

Governor’s Unconstitutional Ban on Religious Gatherings Ends Saturday at Noon EAST DERRY, N.H.—In an event organized by ReOpenNH, the People will reopen New Hampshire for public religious worship at noon on Saturday at the State House, rejecting and ending the governor’s unconstitutional attempt to limit religious gatherings to nine or fewer people. “As Christians, we … Read more

Op-Ed: Data shows working age and younger have nothing to fear

By Andrew J. Manuse Throughout the Coronavirus crisis, the prevailing mindset has treated one viewpoint as sacred and the other as morally reprehensible. Now, we find ourselves in a “new normal,” where only the health and safety of others is viewed as sacred and inviolable. Two things can be true at once. Yes, we should … Read more

Op-Ed: How many stories won’t be told?

By Andrew J. Manuse A young man contacted me last week about how desperately he wants to visit his dying mother in the hospital to care for her during what’s possibly her final days, but the hospital wouldn’t let him in based on the governor’s emergency orders. Neither he nor his mother have Covid-19. Put … Read more


Governor Urged to Fully Reopen New Hampshire as Human Side Of Crisis is Exposed EAST DERRY, N.H.—A healthy son desperately wants to be with his mother as she lies in a hospital bed dying—not of Covid-19—but he is prohibited from visiting her. A business of the year now faces bankruptcy, and the owner may forever shut her doors. An autistic daughter is not getting needed therapy, possibly backsliding … Read more

Op-Ed Published in Union Leader: Have we counted the costs?

Read the original article. How long does it take to build a home from scratch and how many people with how many different skills are needed? How long does it take for an uncontrollable fire to reduce that house to ashes? The economic engine that provides food, beverages, clothing, shelter, and every modern convenience to … Read more

Fox News Coverage: Protesters call for NH to lift coronavirus restrictions, say governor ‘overstepped his bounds’

Link to original article. Watch the latest video at Former New Hampshire state legislators Andrew Manuse and J.R. Hoell say they are on a mission to save American freedom with their “Reopen New Hampshire” petition, which demands the state lift economic restrictions imposed in response to the coronavirus pandemic.  “I think the governor [Republican Chris Sununu] has … Read more