Melissa Blasek: Testimony Opposing SB343 – School-Based Health Services

Madam Chair and members of the committee, my name is Melissa Blasek, and I’m the executive director of RebuildNH from Merrimack, NH. I am here today to oppose SB343. I believe that the intentions behind this bill are to add guard rails to these school based health care clinics that we are currently seeing in … Read more

Sen. Bob Guida’s Speech to Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once … Read more

Carolyn McKinney: Testimony for Amendment to HB255 (ban vaccine mandates)

Good morning, honorable representatives. I’m here before you to urge you to support a ban on vaccine mandates, and also to encourage you and your colleagues to do everything within their power to protect the health of the people of New Hampshire, especially our children.  The current public health policies recommended by the untrustworthy CDC … Read more

Andrew Manuse: Testimony for HB 506 (equal access)

Honorable Members of N.H. House Committee on Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs: I have come before you today in support of HB 506, a bill that will clarify existing law by ensuring that bodily autonomy is always protected as a civil right in New Hampshire law. RSA 354-A:16 codifies rights protected in the state … Read more

Andrew Manuse: Testimony on HB275 (clarifying executive power)

Honorable Members of N.H. House Committee on Executive Departments and Administration, Today I present testimony in favor of HB 275, “an act relative to the governor’s power to initiate a state of emergency and various emergency powers,” a bill I believe would change state law to clarify executive power during a State of Emergency to … Read more