RebuildNH Expresses Gratitude For Executive Council’s Support for Constitution

Vote Against $27 Million Shows that Peaceful & Civil Engagement Can Keep Government In Check EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH is celebrating the N.H. Executive Council’s 4-1 vote today to reject $27 million in federal funds that would have created 13 state vaccine propaganda positions and expanded the state’s unconstitutional vaccine registry, touting persistently peaceful and civil … Read more

Op-Ed: Is it time for Commissioner Shibinette to answer some questions?

UPDATE 11/2/2021: Commissioner Shibinette has provided “answers” to these questions. Please comment below. By Andrew J. Manuse As a political appointee, N.H. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Director Lori Shibinette has been leading the state’s COVID-19 response by attempting to make herself appear credible while deflecting all criticism, and it’s time to start … Read more

RebuildNH Responds to Attorney General’s Analysis of Federal Funds

EAST DERRY, N.H.—As expected, Attorney General John Formella’s memo released today supports Gov. Sununu’s position that accepting $27 million in federal funds includes “boilerplate language” that does not require New Hampshire to do anything unordinary, but RebuildNH leaders contend that the “narrow set of guidance and directives” admitted by the Attorney General in his memo … Read more

Op-Ed: New Hampshire Sovereignty for Sale for $27 million

(This Op-Ed was published in the Concord Monitor on 10/04/2021.) By Andrew J. Manuse, chairman, RebuildNH Last year the governor took unilateral control during his declared State of Emergency, making detrimental decisions for citizens’ lives and livelihoods, showing by example in modern New Hampshire why our Constitution doesn’t allow one-man rule and why we need … Read more

RebuildNH Advocates Peaceful, Civil Action Against Federal Usurpation of State Sovereignty

EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH organized a protest outside the Executive Council meeting this morning to show solidarity against the federal government’s efforts to force vaccine propaganda and U.S. Health and Human Services Department control over New Hampshire citizens, specifically a $27 million multi-faceted federal grant that the body was slated to vote on today. Unfortunately, a … Read more

Analysis of DHHS proposed rule changes to vaccine registry

On Wednesday, September 8th at 3pm, DHHS will hold a public hearing on expanding the Vaccine Registry.  If the idea that the idea a Vaccine Passport concerns you, now is the time to act.  There will be only one public hearing: He-P 307 “Immunization/Vaccination Registry” Public Hearing: Wednesday, September 8, 2021Time: 3:00pmLocation: DHHS, Brown Building, Auditorium, 129 … Read more

Op-Ed: N.H. Legislature’s Inaction Allows Tyranny to Flourish

By Andrew J. Manuse Government bureaucrats and errant leaders around the world have decided to go to war with the people they are supposed to protect, and President Joe Biden in utter madness wants to add on to the medical tyranny train. Following his ill-considered idea to intimidate people at their front doors with the … Read more

Op-Ed: Don’t Let Lawmakers Shrug Off Their Duty To Protect

By Melissa Blasek Over the past several weeks, grassroots activists have called on the Legislature to meet in special session to thwart mandates for masking our children at school and mandates for vaccinations just to make a living. While many representatives support the effort, there is also bipartisan resistance. This is to be expected, because … Read more

PR/Public Email Response to AP Reporter Holly Ramer on Biased Reporting

RebuildNH Chairman Andrew Manuse wrote the following message to Associated Press reporter Holly Ramer, who wrote the article, “Only in the ‘Live Free or Die’ State Have Covid Offenders Been Set Free of Fines: Hello Holly, I’m writing to you about your article that ran in the Concord Monitor, “Unlike Elsewhere NH Refunds Covid Business … Read more