PR: Governor Hiding From the Public, Violating the Constitution

The Constitution Requires That the Governor Take His Oath Before the Full Legislature EAST DERRY, N.H.—Gov. Chris Sununu, now 10 months in to his reign of terror on the citizens of New Hampshire based on trumped-up science, has now violated yet another article of the constitution to avoid facing the citizens he was elected to … Read more

This is a time for mourning Dick Hinch, a great leader

Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of RebuildNH, made the following statement about the tragic death of N.H. House Speaker Dick Hinch: Dick Hinch was a warm and kind man and a devoted public servant. He deserves to be honored for his life and service to this state. This is a time of mourning for us all … Read more

Op-Ed: The governor’s State of Emergency miscalculation has become a lie

By Andrew J. Manuse Gov. Sununu upended New Hampshire with what he called an “extraordinary step” to “save lives and ensure that health care facilities can remain nimble and adequately staffed and resourced” in his March 13 State of Emergency declaration.  It is “imperative … to prepare to respond to an increasing number of individuals … Read more

ReopenNH/RebuildNH Statement About Protest at Governor’s House

“ReopenNH and RebuildNH had absolutely nothing to do with the protest at the governor’s house, and in fact we have opposed it more than 10 times since the idea first surfaced in the Spring—we opposed it this time, too,” said Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of ReopenNH and RebuildNH. “We believe that the governor’s family and … Read more

RebuildNH Urges Granite Staters to Resist Governor’s Mask Mandate

Endorsed Candidates Must Take Action As Soon as They Take Office To End State of Emergency EAST DERRY, N.H.—On the heels of a Danish randomized-controlled study that concludes masks don’t work in stopping the spread of COVID-19, Gov. Chris Sununu has issued a statewide mask mandate that prioritizes feel-good measures over the rights and liberties … Read more

ReopenNH Sends Voting Block to Concord to Restore Freedom

Rebuilding New Hampshire Has to be Our Priority EAST DERRY, N.H.—Voters sent a message by electing a block of ReopenNH candidates on Tuesday during the state’s General Election, and now it’s time for our endorsed candidates to get to work restoring the Republic of New Hampshire Of 119 candidates endorsed by ReopenNH, voters elected at … Read more

Inside Sources: Op-Ed: New Hampshire, Big Brother is Definitely Watching You

(This op-ed ran as an exclusive in NH Journal, an Inside Sources publication, on Oct. 30, 2020.)  It hasn’t been two years since the people of New Hampshire overwhelmingly passed a Constitutional Amendment that prohibits “governmental intrusion into private or personal information,” and our government has already violated it twice this year. Just this week, … Read more

PR: ReopenNH Endorses Final Round of Candidates

Electing a Legislature that Leads the State to RebuildNH is the Only Way We Recover EAST DERRY, N.H.—In a final push to restore liberty in New Hampshire and dispel the fear of a virus that long ago became non threatening, ReopenNH is announcing a slate of endorsed candidates for state offices who we believe would … Read more

PR: ReopenNH Celebrates Primary Election Victories

More Than 88% of Endorsed ReopenNH Candidates Move On to the General Election EAST DERRY, N.H.—ReopenNH endorsed candidates won significant victories during Tuesday’s Primary Election vote, proving that Granite Staters want their lives and livelihoods back to normal, and they understand that any possibility of COVID-19 as a threatening pandemic is now long past. “We … Read more