ACTION NEEDED! Call the Governor, ask him to sign RebuildNH supported bills

This week three RebuildNH supported bills arrived on Gov. Sununu’s desk: HB 1022, permitting pharmacists to dispense the drug ivermectin by a standing order HB 1495, prohibiting the state from requiring businesses to require vaccination or proof of vaccination or immunity  HB 1604, including state medical facilities in the statute providing medical freedom in immunizations … Read more

DIG DEEP: Citizen Action plan to PASS Parents’ Bill of Rights (HB1431)

We would like to thank everyone who helped during this past week to pass HB 1431, the Parental Bill of Rights legislation. Several state and national news sources had reported this bill was dead before we got involved. Through your efforts, HB 1431 was “revived from the dead” by the House and Senate in the Committee of Conference, which is a mechanism to … Read more

Activist Report: House Supports All But One RebuildNH Bills, Hoell Family Vindicated

There is so much good news to report, so I’ll just start with the best: The effort of DCYF to take RebuildNH co-founder JR Hoell’s children—because he gave his son ivermectin—was dismissed today in Family Court. More details will follow! Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and outreach to help JR and his family through … Read more