At the end of each two-year term, RebuildNH publishes a scorecard. Unfortunately, the Senate did not roll call enough bills to create a scorecard, but you can check out how your House members did. You can search by name and filter by town, grade, or party affiliation.
Scorecard Here!
RebuildNH Fundraiser July 10 at 7 pm

We will be hosting a fundraiser on Twitter Spaces. You do not need a Twitter/X account to just listen to the space. Join special guests Daniel Horowitz, Shannon Joy, Dr. Pierre Kory, and Tom Woods to discuss the importance of our issues and grassroots activism. In the second hour, we will be joined by NH political insiders to share their experiences working with RebuildNH.
This year, we did level up, but we have even bigger plans for next year. We have been incredibly effective with our shoestring budget, but we need bigger funds to have the ability to drop mail and pay for advertisements to inform voters about what their legislators are doing in Concord. Nothing raised at this event will be used for salaries. Instead, they will be used to build the pressure and increase our activism efforts.
Please share about this fundraiser and help us grow our organization.