I am in the process of starting my own personal training business. The forced closing of in person operations for fitness centers and boot camps in NH is jeopardizing my ability to get my business off the ground. I need to interact with people in person to market, sell and provide personal training services. I have worked so hard on my business startup and I am on the brink of signing on new clients, but I need to do in person talks in order to do so.
I wrote this presentation yesterday. Today I made the presentation virtually for the NH Governor’s Economic Re-Opening Task Force, which includes our Senators and Representatives. I enjoyed making this presentation and I feel like the Task Force really heard what I had to say and will take my comments into consideration. Here is my presentation:
I am an NH resident and I am commenting on the need to reopen in person operations at gyms, fitness centers, health clubs and boot camps in NH. These facilities provide very important services that are vital to the mental and physical health of NH residents. These services include one on one and small group personal training, group exercise classes and boot camp classes.
Exercising at the optimal level is very beneficial and important for the immunity and the physical and mental health of men, women and children of all ages. Personal trainers, group fitness instructors and boot camp instructors are very well qualified to provide people with the instruction and guidance that they need to exercise in the optimal way and at the appropriate intensity for boosting their immunity and reducing their risk of developing a variety of health conditions. These health conditions include obesity, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, heart disease and depression.
Since these facilities were required to close their in person operations in late March, a great many people, including doctors and nurses, have said that they need them to open up again. They have pointed out that these facilities provide them with the support they need to exercise in the optimal way for maintaining and boosting their immunity and their mental and physical health. I also want to add that doctors and physical therapists send their patients and clients to personal trainers at fitness centers because of the proven health benefits of working with a trainer.
Personal trainers, group exercise instructors and boot camp instructors and the fitness centers where they work need to offer their services in person in order to meet their customers’ and clients’ needs. Personal trainers, group exercise instructors, and boot camp instructors are much better able to work effectively with their clients and customers, read their body language, and correct their form during in person meetings and classes, as compared to virtual meetings and classes. The in person meetings and classes greatly enhance their ability to build relationships with their clients and customers and get results for them.
Personal trainers, group exercise instructors and boot camp instructors can easily maintain a distance of six feet or more between themselves and their clients and customers while they are conducting personal training sessions and leading group exercise classes and boot camp classes.
Tape marks can easily be put on the floor to keep the trainers and instructors and their customers and clients over six feet apart at all times.
The people who operate and work at fitness centers, gyms, boot camps, and health clubs are very willing and able to do everything it takes to keep their spaces clean and safe and to ensure that proper social distancing is maintained. They are very capable of limiting the number of people who enter their facilities at their own discretion, to allow for proper social distancing.
Gym members, personal trainers, group exercise instructors, boot camp instructors and their clients and customers will be very grateful and appreciative when in person operations at these facilities are opened up again; and I am confident that they will show that by being very cooperative about complying with social distancing guidelines, washing their hands, and wiping down equipment.
A measurable improvement in the physiological and psychological health of NH residents will likely be noticed very soon after gyms, fitness centers, health clubs and boot camps reopen for in person operations. I appreciate having the opportunity to make these comments. Thank you very much for your time and your consideration to this matter.
Here is the link for the Task Force:
Susan Emerson
Canterbury , NH