My husband and I opened an RV business in June 2007. It is a very established business with many happy return customers. We have raised a family of three outstanding humans who are all assets to their individual communities. We weather the New England winters knowing that our prime time for business is April-July, and we always anticipate for the slow times knowing that once Spring comes we can accumulate enough income to hold us over. We love what we do, we love our lives, and we love our state (both born and raised in NH)
…And then a virus takes over our state, takes over our world. Not once in the history of the world have healthy people been quarantined (only the sick would be quarantined, and so far the world has not died off from a virus). You cannot sacrifice all for a few. So many small businesses are being compromised because of a virus that cannot be controlled nor should be. We want to be able to be successful again—we are a working piece of a huge puzzle in our world and in our town. Our livelihood depends on the state opening again.
Lisa Durand
New Durham, NH