A trip to my Local Market Basket …(Storrs St , Concord, NH) Monday, 7-20-20
Upon entering the store I was greeted by a mask “security guard” employee at Market Basket—the store I stood with through the boycott, The ONLY store I shop at.
I was asked to wear a mask. I said “no thanks.” I was then told that one would be provided for me. “No thanks.” I was then ASKED TO LEAVE!!!!
I felt threatened as two more employees came towards me to enforce this TOTAL B.S.
I was literally in shock…..!
I told them to leave me alone… let me buy my soda and go.
While in line another man came in behind me asking “how’d you get away with no mask? I told him this is N.H., Im not a slave, and I was bullied by two employees moments ago. He looked at me, asked “well, this sucks, but what are we to do?” I told him that the phone calls, emails will be starting tomorrow. I also immediately decided to boycott them until the mask mandate is reversed.
Today, I called the Tewksbury main office 978–851-8000 and spoke to Chuck K, who is a District level Manager. He is a reasonable man.
He stated that they reluctantly added the “mandate” based on public demand. I told him my story (above). I told him I WILL NOT SHOP AT YOUR STORES TILL YOU REMOVE THE MASK MANDATE. My face. My choice.
He told me he would address the aggressive stance taken by the employees as that is NOT what they want. I told him, the more (silly) rules, the more rebellion—and confusion.
He said he has had fielded several calls in favor of dropping the mandate. I discovered that this Mandate started in Mass, then Maine stores, and Monday in N.H.
CALL HIM. Speak OUT. We can reverse this incredibly poor decision by standing up for our freedom to shop with dignity!
Concord NH (LIVE FREE OR DIE) Market Basket needs a refresher!