Eight years ago I quit my job as a lawyer, moved to New Hampshire from the deep south, and bought what is now a 180 year old inn and began a new life as an innkeeper.
It’s been incredibly hard work and a struggle financially every off season until last year. I love what I do and I had finally turned the corner, had a very good winter and a fairly good spring with a strong summer approaching.
Of course the summer has all dissolved. And now I hear rumors of a possible “partial” opening “allowed” sometime in June. I need to prosper in June, July and August in order to financially weather the slow season from November through April. Even a full opening would be insufficient given how effectively the government and press have scared everyone.
It’s just surreal to me. Do people really not understand that when businesses are not allowed to conduct business they will go out of business? I have a few guests scheduled for June stays. If those guests are brave enough to travel I plan to honor those reservations regardless of the governor’s whims.
Denis Swords
North Sutton, NH