The decision of our government to shut down our economy as had a direct impact on the lives of so many people, people I love.
The first is the shut-down of our freedom to join together to freely worship, something guaranteed by the Constitution of the USA.
I suppose it is easy for people to simply stay home and turn on some device to “do church” in their jammies, but call me old fashioned, a zealot, out of touch—who cares—the truth is that God’s people are the “called out ones” for a reason. We are to make an outward testimony of what our faith in God actually means – making the commitment to join together for corporate worship and not forsaking the “assembling together” as so many have in the past and are now forced to.
Next, our economy has affected the job my son had a cook in a very busy restaurant in our area. Sure, he can collect unemployment, but that is not what those benefits are for – to pay people more money than what their actual paycheck was and the end result will bankrupt this state.
My daughter’s job with a cell phone company where she was working 40 now gone for her until this ban is lifted.
My wife who left a good PT job to open her own business, a long-time dream, is now costing us money personally rather then even making enough to pay her rent and insurance.
There are thousands of people just like me in NH.
I am very blessed to have a church family that has been very supportive and doing what they can to make sure our ministry is going to survive through this “crisis”, but many others may not make it. And maybe that will be by God’s permissive will.
I have faith in the Lord that all things do work together for good for those who have faith in Him. I have a strong faith and that what His Word teaches us that what we are experiencing is a way for this world to stop and consider what is really important for the long term. …
It’s time to end this illegal shut-down and get people back to work. Every job is essential. Open the factories, the restaurants, and the stores. If people feel the need, wear a mask and gloves, your choice, but do not “make” people do this.
Let me add this as I close my rant today:
What we are experiencing, in my opinion, is the permissive will of God allowing humanity a taste of justice for not believing in Him. For the most part, our culture has distanced themselves from any real form of faith in God. Many have traded it for a casual kind of religious “experience” to get what they can from God, but when He does not fulfill their wants, they give up. That’s not how faith in the Almighty works.
Remember these words:
If a nation, who are called by My name, would become humble, and pray, and desire My favor, and turn from their wicked direction; I will then listen from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7.14
If we as a nation stop killing our unborn, stop worshiping athletes and actors, when we stop being so selfish, maybe we can have a few more years of freedom. If not, what takes place has been by our own doing.
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” (Thomas Jefferson)
Richard Rizzi
Farmington, NH