Primary Results Are In

While the nation’s eyes were on the presidential debate, those of us at RebuildNH were focused on what really matters: New Hampshire. None of us has the power to affect the outcome of the presidential race, nor do we have the tools to fix D.C. State legislatures are truly where the power of the people resides if we could only focus enough people’s time and energy correctly.

The good news: RebuildNH did spend money educating voters about David Bickford’s anti-parent record, and he lost his primary. He was the only person running in a competitive primary who voted against the Parent Bill of Rights, and his loss will send a clear message to others in the future.

The bad news: this wasn’t a stellar night for liberty. Unfortunately, big money and lies won the day. We lost several top RebuildNH-scored reps, and the one Senate GOP challenger, Emily Phillips, lost.

The Senate GOP PAC spent well over 100k spewing vicious lies about Emily. Why? To keep their candidate in his seat so he can continue to vote with lobbyists (one of whom operates the Senate GOP PAC) and special interests. The reality is that despite complaints from voters, negative campaigning works.

Most voters hear absolutely nothing about state politics until election season and I think that’s a problem. Those on this email list who take the time each week to engage in state politics are the exception and not the rule. 

Thank you for being involved!!! It truly matters for citizens to be engaged with the legislative process.

We must be louder year round. It’s not enough for voters to be told the truth about what’s happening a few months before primary season every two years. It becomes noise to voters when combined with the lies. 

People who read this email know that the Senate has been a major barrier to passing legislation that protects individual liberty and that most of the bills that threaten freedom originate in the Senate and usually pass the chamber easily. But most voters don’t have a clue about the Swamp of Concord in the NH Senate and therefore had no good reason to oppose an incumbent. Emily’s message of wanting to build transparency and accountability fell on deaf ears to a voter base that was unaware there were any issues to begin with. 

In the coming weeks, RebuildNH will launch a new effort to amplify our message. Stay tuned.

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