Please help! Religious Liberty Under Fire

Hello friends,

It’s been a while since I’ve sent a message to you, and I appreciate all that you’re doing for our cause as well as your support for our fantastic Executive Director Melissa Blasek. I’ve been silently observing and participating while focusing more heavily on my faith, my church, and the religious liberty issues that I’ve always cared about the most. For any of you who don’t know this, I helped launch RebuildNH specifically because my church was closed and I wanted it opened again. Thank God we got that done! 

In any case, I have an effort that is near and dear to my heart that is Christian in nature but also has a lot to do with religious liberty. I think enemies of liberty could use the case against my friend Isaac Santiago to stifle the spread of the Gospel in New Hampshire. In short, Isaac attached a sign to a church door calling for members to repent. Whether you love or hate the idea of that, I hope you can agree with me that no one should be charged with criminal threatening and a hate crime for calling on other Christians to “repent.” The AG is involved and is calling for prosecutors to throw the book at Isaac. If prosecutors are successful in convicting Mr. Santiago on these charges, all religious expression that isn’t within the four walls of our own religious buildings could be declared illegal. This is a matter of pressing public interest.

I think Isaac is innocent and that our constitutional rights protect religious expression. If you’d like to learn more, I have a fundraising page written from a Christian perspective to support Isaac’s legal defense and I’d love it if you would help out by donating. If not, that’s fine. Please continue to support RebuildNH and all of our legislative efforts. This is a side project for me, though it loosely relates on account of our support for religious liberty. You be the judge.

Thank you, and God bless you whether you join me in this cause or not.

Andrew J. Manuse

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