Legislative Update Week of Jan. 27th, 2025

Tuesday, January 28th, N.H. House
Children and Family Law
LOB, Room 206-208

1:30 p.m. – OPPOSE – HB553

The bill allows family court to proceed with parental fitness tests without a conviction, bypassing due process by not requiring a legal finding of guilt. The bill creates unmeasurable metrics of abuse to extend to “emotional” and “psychological,” and while we understand these are real traumas, we do not believe that the burden of proof to have your child taken from you should include anything that cannot be measured.  
Additionally, they include this new term of “parentification” as abuse. Not only can this not be measured, it is a new “therapy” term, that could easily be misconstrued and is certainly not grounds for abuse.
Finally, we are very upset that the bill lowers the standard of evidence by using the “preponderance of the evidence” standard instead of “beyond a reasonable doubt.” The bill treats abuse and neglect more like civil than criminal matters, potentially leading to unjust loss of parental rights without sufficient proof of wrongdoing.
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Tuesday, January 28th, N.H. House
Education Funding
LOB, Room 205-207
 ⭐ 2:15 p.m. – SUPPORT – HB656
This bill is part of our efforts to put up guardrails concerning school-based health clinics and any other potential education poison pills that could come from the federal level. Currently, federal grants typically need school board approval and are therefore subject to public input, but often, superintendents will list a federal grant as”anticipated funds” and bypass the need for school board approval. 

This bill specifies that all federal grants exceeding $20,000 are “unanticipated funds” and therefore subject to school board approval and public notice.
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Thursday, January 30th, N.H. House
Municipal and County Government
LOB, Room 301-303

10:30 – SUPPORT – HB230
This is the bill that passed both chambers only to be vetoed by Governor Sununu last year. But new year, new governor, new chances for success!

This bill limits the authority of town health officers to make mandates. While it’s not everything I’d want in and ideal world, it does successfully limit these officer’s power, which is currently unlimited. And in future pandemics, these volunteers with 3 hours of training, would be unable to impose a town mask mandate, lockdown restriction, or any other insane measure they imposed during the last pandemic. 
🔗 Click here to register your disposition and testimony
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Wednesday, January 29th, N.H. Senate
Health and Human Services
LOB, Room 101

9:30 am. – OPPOSE – SB75
This bill will allow information from the Immunization Information System (the “vaccine registry”) to be shared with health insurance companies. 

This is a horrible idea. While you can’t be denied medical care for not being vaccine, could an insurance provider refuse to cover medical treatment based on vaccine status if they have access to your vaccine data? 

Insurance companies are not medical providers. There is no “scientific” or “medical” benefit to them having access to this data.

Additionally, RebuildNH and others have long fought for more stringent protections to privacy regarding the vaccine registry and we are constantly met with pushback regarding the large fiscal note attached to alter the system to protect privacy. This bill has an unspecified fiscal note. So when we attempt to protect people, the health department claims it would cost huge $$$ but when Democrats want to share your data with more third parties, they can’t come up with an actual dollar amount. 

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for sharing vaccine data with insurance companies.
🔗 Click here to register your disposition and testimony
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