Our bill to end town mask mandates forever has made a surprising reappearance in the Senate thanks to Rep Juliet Harvey-Bolia and Senator James Gray. The vote will be on the 18th, and we need everyone to call Senator Ricciardi and Senator Avard and urge them to support the floor amendment to SB63. Let’s kindly persuade them.
Tuesday, January 16th, N.H. House
LOB, Room 101
⭐️ 9:00 a.m. – OPPOSE – SB 343
Currently, contracted, school-based health care clinics do occur, yet apparently, there is no current legal authority for this, only for school nurses and physicians to perform various procedures and exams. Parental consent is already required via law. This bill seeks to give legal authority for contracted school healthcare clinics using money from a federal grant accepted by the Executive Council. This is part of a larger agenda to create government dependency from cradle to grave, is potentially harmful (2 children last year were vaccinated “accidentally” in schools), and provides no further protections for parental consent.
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✉️ Email the committee:
Donovan.Fenton@leg.state.nh.us Suzanne.Prentiss@leg.state.nh.us
Wednesday, January 17th, N.H. House
LOB, Room 205-207
⭐ 1:00 p.m. – SUPPORT – HB1677
This bill makes Education Freedom Accounts available for all students in failing districts (less than 49% proficiency)
🔗 Click here to register your disposition.
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Thursday, January 18th, N.H. House
Criminal Justice
LOB, Room 202-204
⭐ 10:00 a.m. – SUPPORT – HB1012
This bill would ensure parents cannot be found guilty of child endangerment for making a parenting decision that is not otherwise illegal and presents no more than a hypothetical risk of harm. Protect parents’ rights and the ability of children to grow into independence.
🔗 Click here to register your disposition.
✉️ Email the committee
Towards Liberty,
Melissa Blasek
Executive Director, RebuildNH