Thursday, April 4th, N.H. Senate SESSION
This bill adds emotional and psychological harm as benchmarks for the presumption of harm to a child. While we acknowledge that psychological abuse is real, it is not something that can be measured. Only objective, measurable, quantifiable metrics should be used as a reason to terminate parental rights. We fear the consequences of this bill will be that parents will end up bringing in their experts to oppose the state’s experts with opposing opinions, leaving children stuck in the middle because of the subjective nature of the metrics.
Contact your senator here.
Excellent Day in the House!
The following bills passed the NH House this past week.
HB1093 bans public school mask mandates
HB1365 opens up bio-similar substitutions to allow for potentially more affordable pharmaceutical choices
HB1280 codifies basic requirements of informed consent
Thank you to everyone who helped in these efforts. The bills all move to the Senate.