Director’s Report: We the People Matter More than the Lobbyists

Legislative action for the week of May 1, 2022.

1 thought on “Director’s Report: We the People Matter More than the Lobbyists”

  1. HI Melissa

    Thank you for your leadership and the work you are all doing at Rebuild NH. My husband and I are both in the Pharma industry and both submitted religious exemptions from the jab mandate. His was approved mine was denied and I was terminated on 10/15/21. The abuse goes even deeper as Rigel pharmaceuticals told unemployment of NH I was terminated for “misconduct” so have not received any unemployment for 6 months so far.
    We have an attorney from Concord and filed a complaint with the EEOC. Praying for a “right to sue” letter. Also appealing the denied unemployment. This is such a violation of Title VII civil rights and we have to stand for our medical freedom. We will be there at 9 am Thursday.


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