Director’s Report: The Senate Disappoints

RebuildNH Executive Director Melissa Blasek updates supporters on legislative action in the NH Senate – State of Emergency reform is stripped from the budget plus more concerning votes.

4 thoughts on “Director’s Report: The Senate Disappoints”

  1. I am a long time supporter of ReBuildNH and have been watching federal, state and local governments remove citizen’s rights and liberties. I have urged other groups like DefendNH to support you guys and hope they do. All freedom loving NH patriots need to get active in supporting grass root groups fight the paid political elites.

  2. Greetings! There is a link to an Affidavit Declaration of Vaccine Exemption out there I want to share here for folks to research/utilize. It’s based on Senate Bill #942, Section 1 Chapter 7, under the title “Exemption From Immunization”. The form requires the services of a Notary Public. My family and I have completed, signed, stamped, reduced to convenient card size (35%), laminated copies we carry with us. We have the originals in a folder, and photo images on all devices we own. Praying this holds merit, and God’s blessings to all here.

  3. Thank you Melissa for your activism and patriotism. Thanks for informing us of status and steps we can take to help. I would love to see another rally at Hampton Beach in support of freedom this summer.


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