Success! Dangerous Bill Thwarted!

SB417, a bill that RebuildNH has been fighting since January, went to Committee of Conference this week. RebuildNH’s treasurer, Rep JR Hoell was on the committee and ensured that the bill was amended to protect families in New Hampshire. The bill now heads back to the full House and Senate to be concurred but RebuildNH no longer considers the bill to be a threat.

Special thanks to Rep JR Hoell and House leadership.

Two of Rebuild’s supported bills head to the governor’s desk next: SB63 and HB1093!

The legislative season is essentially over for the year. Thanks to all the activists who have put in the work writing the emails and making the calls this year. It is true that many hands make light work and it takes all of us working together to ensure New Hampshire remains the Live Free or Die state.

The political world of New Hampshire is now transitioning into campaign season. The filing period to run for the House and Senate closes June 14th. 

Please consider stepping up to run for office. If you aren’t sure if there are still open seats in your district or if you want to know more about running for office, contact me and I would be happy to help. If you don’t want to run for office, but would like to help get liberty candidates elected in New Hampshire, I would be happy to help point you in the right direction. You can email or call me: 603-401-2542. 

RebuildNH will be coming out with our list of endorsements later in the summer.

The following districts are lacking liberty-first candidates:

Belk 2 Meredith
Coos 1 Lancaster, Northumberland, Dalton, Stratford
Coos 2 Milan, Pittsburg, Stark, Dummer, Errol, Clarksville, Millsfield, Cambridge, Dixville, Odell, Second College Grant, At. & Gil. Academy Grant, Dix’s Grant, Wentworth’s Location
Coos 3 Colebrook, Stewartstown, Columbia, Erving’s Location
Coos 4 Whitefield, Jefferson, Carroll, Kilkenny
Rock 1 Nottingham, Northwood
Rock 15 Hampstead
Rock 34 Hampstead, Kingston, East Kingston
Straf 3 Middleton/New Durham

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